Monday, December 28, 2009

What is my connection to Palestine?

The title isn’t really a rhetorical’s something I’ve been asked on numerous occasions by friends, batch mates and online acquaintances. The questions where in all cases prompted by some online activity of mine... a gtalk status message, a shared link on Facebook or a retweet of a video on twitter, all related to Palestine. The tone of the questions have ranged from total ignorance to outright bemusement to genuine curiosity, but none of them ever really comprehended what prompted me to bother about Palestine. Today, on this first anniversary of Israel’s war on Gaza, an act of criminal brutality against a nation quite unsurpassed in its scale and scope in recent history, my twitter activity brought back the same old questions regarding the Palestinian connection. Hence I thought it’s about time that I elaborated a bit regarding this matter.

First of all I am no major activist or anyone of that sort. I can at best be described as a passive online supporter of the Palestinian struggle. My involvement has been limited to signing petitions/ spreading the message/sharing links/getting involved in discussions at various online forums etc primarily when significant events happen in Palestine and the greater Middle-East region. Yet even such minimal actions have invoked such wonder about my persuasion to do so, that it is rather disheartening.

Palestinian cause from my point of view is fundamentally a struggle against the epitome of tyranny in its most evil form. It is an outright travesty of justice to be cast out from your homeland and to be persecuted and oppressed for not making way to satisfy the objectives of a racist movement. That the rest of the world has largely been a silent observer (let’s face it.. voting countless UN resolutions which are all bound to be vetoed by USA is equivalent to silent observation) and in some cases an active sponsor and cohort (you all know which country I am talking about don’t ya?) to all these gross transgressions over the decades still shocks me.

This struggle is much beyond a mere act of religious militancy. Of course one cannot deny that the divergence in theocratic beliefs that laid the foundation for the problem and the religion has been a strong underlying influence on all discourse on this subject. But the fact is the struggle by Palestinians is primarily a struggle for justice, human rights and for their homeland. To be integrated into a wider religious militant movement worldwide was the worst thing that could have happened to the Palestinian struggle. For the Islamic fundamentalists and terrorist organizations in many parts of the world, Palestine was a just cause, the endorsing of which would generate mass support and lay the foundations for their organizations in its infancy. But this resulted in Palestinian struggle being bracketed along with every other power struggle and irrational act of violence which misused the name of Islam for their benefit.

The idealistic and simplistic tone I have used while reflecting on the Palestinian issue is not because I am naïve and don’t comprehend the complexities that have been inculcated into this conflict over the course of the last 50 years. Also I have not gotten into the geo-political and many other nitty-gritty’s of this conflict not due to my lack of awareness but because I do not claim to be an expert on this subject and many far more knowledgeable people have already done a much better job of it. Moreover the essence of my post was to reflect on my stance on the issue based on more deep-rooted reasons.

Also I am not trying to put forth a one-sided perspective based on any bias. I do see that wrong has also been done from the Palestinian side. Killing of innocent civilians is in no way acceptable even though it is just stooping to the level that Israel has consistently maintained for the last 60 years. Also as far as political aspects of this issue are concerned the plight of the people has been aggravated by the actions of other Arab countries at times and even by the internal politics in Palestine which has muddled the situation further on occasions. But all of this can at best be described as actions that have further worsened the state of affairs from what it already would have been consequent to Israeli persecution. Also my support for Palestine has not been for any group or organization, but for the people of Palestine and their right to their homeland.

As an observer of international politics, it is dismaying how the nations of the world have stood by and watched while Israel (with US support) has occupied another country and destroyed their homes to build settlements. As an advocate of basic human rights, it is horrendous to observe Palestinians being subjected to apartheid by the Israeli regime even in this day and age. As a supporter of international peace and conflict resolution, it is appalling to see that Israel have been permitted to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza and West Bank. Above all as a human being, it is horrifying that any fellow being has been suffering persecution and is being deprived of justice for so long.

Herein are my opinions and reflections on the subject of Palestine and therein you can see my reasons for supporting the struggle by the people of Palestine.


    You took the words right out of my mouth.
    Very well said.

  2. Well said!! Though I pretty much knew your motivations towards the cause, hence you never had to face the questions from my side.
    IMHO anyone who follows your tweets should get this point quite well without much ado!!

  3. Your tone is emotional driven. Facts state everything otherwise. I won't go into the detailed account of anything because you've already made clear what your beliefs are -- to quote you -- "an online supporter of the Palestinian struggle". It's absolutely impossible to state anything to because you're convinced and have a stand. Try to put forward some better arguments to support your stand next is what I suggest. Cheers!

  4. @anand_bala: thanks..I knew you would agree :)

    @sadaf: well in that case you are an exception among my friends n batchmates circle.but then most dont read my :)

    @arjun: I think you have completely misunderstood the objective of my blog post. This post was about my personal connect to this cause and these are my reasons for supporting it. Its not that I am unaware of the facts but like i said in the post more knowledgeable have written enough and more about it and as such a detailed analysis was not what I intended to put forth with this post.

    With reference to your "Facts state everything otherwise" comment, I totally disagree with you and I believe I will be able to back myself up on that matter.

  5. I agree, this has been going on for too long that,now people are taking this for granted. Shame on the UN,professing peace and doing nothing,shame on US but then again we really dont expect anything different from them. And yeah like you said, religion also plays an important part.All in all well written Nouf,emotionally driven - yes, but thats the whole point rite!

  6. well written bravo!! u know my own opinions on this particular issue neways grt that u hav started writin again

  7. well written piece.again, one of those issues were a 'balanced view' could only b hyporitic.

  8. @finaz- you got my point is real disheartening to see the apathy across the world about this whole issue..

    @ashin- yeah guess we've had more than our fair share of discussions on this topic & yeah hope to be more regular with my writing

    @nithin- exactly!

    thank you all for the compliments and understanding my POV!

  9. Noufel,
    I fully understand why you feel for Palestine.
    I have faced the question on countless occasions from friends and foes. And my support for the Palestinians even earned me labels like "terrorist".

    Btw, did I say the piece was very well written?

  10. @sadique:
    Thanks for the compliments. Quite horrified to hear that you had to encounter such harsh responses. Fortunately I have only encountered responses ranging from bemusement to curiosity on this matter.

  11. tagged you.

  12. to really look at something in a fair and impartial way, we need to be emotionally detached from it.

    why would a balanced view be hypocritical?

    if israel had not been backed by the US (i.e. had this been a war/struggle/occupation in which both sides had equal fire-power) would we be saying any of this?

    atrocities of many kinds happen in loads of places around the world. (africa, afghanistan - before and after the war). i strongly believe in each man care about his own patch of land. i would feel aggrieved/sympathetic to issues closer to home irrespective of religion/race etc.

    The israel situation seems pretty clear to me. jews have (interestingly) been kicked out of every place they have gone to. so now through various means they've finally got a place of their own and they're protecting it with everything they (and their 'allies') have got.

    palestinians. well, palestine was british before it was divided into israel/war/etc. different people will suffer at different times in history. india suffered for some time too.

    personally, i feel its their problem and thats how it will be solved. international intervention/fretting/fuming has historically only screwed things up. in many more years time, the guilt that the western world had over the holocaust will reduce and they will stop supporting israel overtly. or maybe there maybe other strategic alliances formed...

    After a few hundred years india solved the problems it had with the english, after a few years the cold war ended... i think we should just let the people directly affected by it solve their own problems - because whatever you might say, a man solves his own problems better than the problems of others.

  13. @Neel
    I disagree with so many counts. Lets start from the top on where all your non-emotional observations have been inaccurate.

    "if israel had not been backed by the US (i.e. had this been a war/struggle/occupation in which both sides had equal fire-power) would we be saying any of this?"
    Without the strong backing of USA for Israel over the last 60 yrs, the course of history would have been very much different in the Middle-East. So such a question has no relevance.

    You say that you would associate more with issues closer to home. That is your choice. Please do respect others right to different perspective on such issues.

    So your "clear" perspective on Israeli situation is that they have been kicked out of a lot of places in the past so they can steal someone else's homeland in the present??

    Then you say "before Palestine was British"?? Palestine belonged to Palestinians. British were the occupying rulers.

    "different people will suffer at different times in history."
    So let them suffer?? That is a rather callous sentiment. Lets wait for a few hundred years and problem may sort itself out? So what about the ideal of basic human rights?

  14. You are an Indian right? Then why support Palestine. Why not Tibet or LTTE and others like them? Is it because Tibetans and LTTE are not Muslims? I don't understand why an Indian should show allegiance to Palestinian Muslims!:->
